Serpac was established in 2004 as a result of a merger between two maritime service company leaders from the Southwestern Pacific Coast, Maritima del Pacífico (MARPAC) and Servicios de Corretaje Marítimo (SERCOMAR).


As part of the supply chain, we offer the best service to our clients to add value to their activities.


ISO 9001:2015
ISO 9001 certify the management and quality of our services through efficient and standards processes, designed to add value to our customer and suppliers. We focus on continuous improvement to grow and provide superior service.

BASC (Business Alliance for Secure Commerce)
As its name indicates, the BASC certification qualifies us as a company that works with recognized control and security management system guaranteed internationally. Looking for a quick and safe trade in a global world.

The ship agency company of the group, represent and act on behalf the ship’s owners.

Company focused in performing operations in port.

A joint venture with Cross Pacific Chartering to offer freight brokerage services in the western pacific coast.

The company provides launch and husbandry services to the group’s companies and third parties.